20-Gallon Gulch - The space between spaces. If the Petroleum Posse doesn’t pick you clean, the radiation storms and the Clingers will. You best turn back the way you came.

The Petroleum Posse - This ruthless gang of mutants own the market on gasoline. Not only have they used their gasoline stock to climb the ranks of the wasteland food chain, but they also drink, huff, and puff the stuff.

Thudd, The Guardian of the Gulch - Deep in the heart of 20-Gallon Gulch, it is said that a hulking guardian slumbers beneath the sands. Few have seen the beast, but you can bet that when the Gulch gets lively, Thudd will wake.

The Eyes - Wielders of the “Inner Eye”. These sisters see possible what’s and when’s that have and have not passed. Some call them crazy prophets, but if they speak, you best heed their words.

Dirtbag’s Garage - Make it out of 20-Gallon Gulch with a few pieces left, and ol’ Dirtbag’ll fix ya right up. Finest team of Grease-Maws north of the Gulch (and in the entire western region according to Dirtbag).

Grease-Maw: These little guys are adept at fixing the weathered machinery of the wasteland. While they will help to get your broken machine up and running, don’t be surprised if it comes back missing a few parts.

The First Breath - Monolithic standing stones mark the fallen warriors of The Last Gasp. With the unnatural stirring from beneath the earth, the distance of this battlefield will forever be known as The First Breath.

The Last Gasp - The cursed victors of a long past war. This army lays in slumber beneath the plains beyond the Gulch. The wind shifts, the sun sets, and the living will know The Last Gasp.

Scorches of The Third Degree - Land and lives are claimed in “Scorches” of The Third Degree. As the party rages on two wheels across the Wasteland, The Burn and The Third Degree leave their mark.

The Third Degree - With a penchant for motorcycles and pain, The Third Degree race around The West leaving a trail of scorched earth. Fanatics of “The Burn”, they brand themselves in its image. As The Burn dances chaotically, so too burns The Third Degree.

‘Pillers - The autonomous public transport of a bygone era. Still roaming their programmed routes, they’ve developed minds and personalities of their own. Some may gladly ferry you from settlement to settlement, while others have been driven mad by corroded circuitry.

The Sorter - Dividing the East from West, this giant wall decides who passes between regions. The ‘Pillers come and go freely, but don’t let that static smile fool you. The Sorter will vaporize you in an instant.

The Wound - Once the shining example of technological advancement in the eastern region, the remnants of this former great city harbor danger. The mangled skyline on the eastern horizon may promise riches, but it’s best to steer clear of The Wound.

The Scars - Infesting the surface and subterranean tunnels of the last great city, The Scars bent the landscape to their liking. Sending distress signals from the towers and dishes that are still operational, they prey on the inquisitive who are lured into their traps. They may be a sign of life, but The Scars have calloused The Wound.

The Bog of Decay - The festering home of The Unclean. Like the eyes overtaking the bodies of The Unclean, the edges of The Bog continue to encroach on the surrounding land. The sights, the sounds, the smells, the tastes; The Bog assaults the senses.

The Unclean - Occupying the fringes of the tainted water, The Unclean wail as eyes slowly take over their body. The dirty water, the floating garbage, the home of The Unclean.

Graham the Giver - “Looter”, “Schemer”, “Con-Artist”. These are all titles that Graham has earned. Looting the dangerous eastern region, and selling to the west, Graham “graciously” gives the gift of economy. To himself, he’ll always be “Graham the Giver”.

Graham the Giver’s Wasteland Wares: The Blood of The Scars. “From the far east of The Wound - Will trade for shoes!”

Graham’s Wasteland Wares: Eyes of The Unclean - “Straight from the Bog of Decay, get them today! YOU’LL WANT THESE EYES! Will trade for shoes!”

Graham’s Wasteland Wares: Cursed Scythe of The Last Gasp - “A curse for who?! A curse for YOU! Come get this scythe! Will trade for shoes!”

Graham’s Wasteland Wares: Gasoline Grenade - “Genuine Gasoline Grenade! Straight from one of those Petroleum punks! This baby’s a real blast! Will trade for shoes!”

Id, The Shifter - Shifting form, Id invades consciousness, often appearing as a representation of oneself. The living can’t refuse what they believe is their own desire, even if their desire causes self-destruction. Snake, Shadow, Calamity, Eclipse; The East couldn’t bear the weight of these names, and The West will soon speak of Id, The Shifter.

Ta’dira, The Hope - Deity of The West and giver of light. Ta’dira sustains the region by bringing life in a barren land. The sisters of The Eyes confer with Ta’Dira, and fearfully speak of their visions of The Snake. But all is well, as Ta’Dira has seen the coming of Id long before this Earth was formed.

Iconography of The Greater Remainder
L to R: The Petroleum Posse, The Eyes, Dirtbag's Garage, The Last Gasp, The Third Degree, The Scars, The Unclean
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